Monday, February 8, 2010

Like the Snowfall...

[Park Avenue in Baltimore - photo courtesy Elizabeth Galo]

...I am on the rise. Putting last week behind me. Sure, I only have three more weeks of employment, but nothing I can do about it. Still have a roof over my head, at least for a few more months anyway. The red light camera ticket isn't that big a deal I guess. At least I got it in DC ($50) instead of Baltimore ($75). And truth be told I ran TWO red lights in DC that night, both accidentally. I am lucky I just got a ticket, I could have had an accident. Right?

Oh, and Kyle Holtgren tells me it is not UNemployed, it's FUNemployed. I'm gonna go with that. And that guy Zeb contacted me and apologized most sincerely, so that is water under the bridge. I would have handled it differently, but if my Facebook page was deleted, I'd flip out, too. What was the other crappy thing last week? Oh, that salesman that I had a screaming match with. I talked to his boss and made sure I never have to see that jackass again (knock on wood). So. Moving on!

Friday night I went out in the snow and trudged to Dougherty's to blow off some steam with my friends. It was loads of fun, I really needed that. Got together with the same group last night for the Super Bowl. Good times.

Though I have to tell you... in the midst of all the crappiness last week, I did get some very good (fiction) writing done. Hadn't done that for quite awhile. It is true that one has to suffer for their art. Unfortunate, but true. I write WAY better when I am miserable. Problem is, I am generally a pretty happy person, and I like to keep it that way. That is what made last week even tougher. Being depressed (as I still am a bit, over losing my job), or angry to the degree I was last week, it is just not natural to me. It feels confusing and I don't know what to do with myself. Me no likey.

The snow has helped to put me in a good mood. I love it, it makes me feel like I am a little kid in Pennsylvania again. The ground would be white for weeks at a time, not days. I stayed over at my friend Alvina's last night after the Super Bowl party, just too dangerous to be walking around on the snow and ice after several drinks. On the walk over there last night and the walk home this morning, it was just eerie.. very few cars, people walking down the middle of the street. Very The Day After Tomorrow. I like it. We're going to have to pay for it later, of course, when this all starts melting it is going to be an even bigger mess. But for now, I think it is very beautiful. And one of the things I love most about snow days in Baltimore... the restaurants, theaters, movie theaters, and shops are closed - but the bars are open. And busy!

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