Friday, February 19, 2010

Don't Let the Door Hitcha

Sorry no pics today. I am in New York and don't have the cord to connect my camera to Mikey's laptop. This post probably won't be too long because I have to get ready to go over to my friend Mark's (a.k.a. Ace, a nickname from high school. I never call him Mark) place in Murray Hill. Lucky me, he lives a block away from where I am taking the big scary test tomorrow! = extra sleep.

I'm not scared of the test, actually. Well, not THAT scared. From what I have gathered, it is one of those tests that you fill in the little circles with your number 2 pencil, and it is designed to measure your problem-solving abilities. Over 20 years in hotel management and a few in independent film, that's all I DO is problem solve. Should be fine. I'll be more interested to see how many people are there.

I am very nervous right now, but not because of the test. Too long of a story and the details are not important, but I thought I wasn't going to have to move out of my current apartment until at least June. Then I received an email from my boss last night telling me to be out by April first! I about had a cow. My apartment is huge, over 900 square feet, and I have lived there for 12 years. Do you have any idea how much STUFF I have? And I am not hoarder whatsoever! It just accumulates, you know? So I have loads to sort through and get rid of (yard sales every weekend in April, please come by and buy things!), and decide if I am going to rent a storage space or what. If I move to NYC, I will definitely only be able to afford a studio. That is going to be an enormous adjustment. I hate not having another room. Though one thing I am VERY excited about is that now I can have WINDOWS!!! My current apartment is in the basement and I get zero light.

Anyway, I talked them into letting me stay until May 1. But I still have a lot of work in front of me.

The whole thing is such an overwhelming hassle. I don't have a job so no one is going to want to rent to me. But it is hard to find a job if I am not living there! And it is SOOOOOOOO expensive. Easily one thousand dollars a month for a studio, plus of course a security deposit and if you go through a broker another fat fee on top of that. Figure on having $3K just to walk in the door.

So I don't know what I am going to do. I tell you what I am NOT going to do is move TWICE. But do I move to NYC May 1, or do I save a thousand bucks and crash somewhere in Baltimore for a month and move up there in June? I could really use a month to adjust. But I am unemployed a week from now, and I could really use that thousand dollars. What's the word I'm looking for? Oh, yea, CRAP.

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