Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chaos, Controlled and Otherwise

Hey there, sorry to have been a bad blogger, but have spent the last month wrapping up a huge chapter in my life (12+ years). It was a good run but I am happy to have moved on. In brief (more later), I have decided for the time being to remain in Baltimore. Great things are afoot here, and to move to NYC now just for the Cool Points would be cutting off my nose to spite my face.

I have been so busy between moving residences and moving pictures that I can't believe I ever had time for a job-job. I am now officially a freelance filmmaker (i.e., unemployed), and I couldn't be happier. I am breaking down scripts for other people's projects, consulting on productions from one-day shorts to feature films, this weekend I am actually shooting a long-lost scene for "Smalltimore,", next week shooting the final pick-up days for "Lamplight," and I am cooking up one or two shorts of my own for this summer, plus a feature to be shot over the next year, but I need to nail down some details before I talk much about that. So, extremely busy but I promise to give you a more detailed update soon. Need to sleep now, though. Tomorrow I am painting my new room. Presently it is a shade of dark pumpkin that is making me a little mental. Perhaps I'll have some before & after pics for you in the next posting!